M&R Electronics carries many top-quality tailgate latch cameras for sale and ready to ship. Our latch cameras are available in a variety of models that you can install for vehicles of nearly any make or model. Shop with us here today to find the right latch camera for your vehicle. We also offer free shipping for orders above $100, and will provide free technical support. We have supplied some of the best accessories and customer service for over 30 years.

If you need help locating the right tailgate camera for your vehicle, reach out to us and one of our representatives will be able to help you. We can also provide repair services to ensure your camera systems continue to work the way they should.

Rostra's newest line of cameras provide the aftermarket with vehicle specific kits for the most popular work trucks. Factory style tailgate latch kits feature cameras that are discreetly mounted within the bezel of the tailgate latch handle with the following added benefits:

Tailgate Handle Camera Features


Thread-Together Connectors

Weatherproof thread-together connections ensure that elements like water cannot intrude and degrade the video/power harness


Industry-Compatible Plugs/Wiring

RCA video output and DC power input plugs provide industry-standard connections




Tailgate Camera Systems

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