"M&R Electronics holds a variety of ready-to-ship speed limiters devices. Choose from many different speed limiter products in our extensive selection below. Our factory parts work with popular car manufacturers and models. Shop online with us here to find the perfect product for your vehicle. On orders above $100, we offer free shipping and free expert tech assistance. M&R Electronics has been in operation for more than 30 years to provide a combination of high-quality products and some of the best customer service.
Can't find the speed limiter device you are looking for? Contact us and our specialists in automotive electronics will guide you to the best possible product for your needs. We can also assist with repairs. Just ask us today!"
Sentry Pro-Grade Vehicle Speed Limiting System by Rostra
Your company drivers have a lead foot when they’re behind the wheel of your vehicles. This can not only result in citations being issued to your drivers but can potentially cause an increase in your insurance premiums, excessive wear and tear on the vehicle, elevated fuel usage and overall cost of vehicle maintenance.
Vehicle speed-limiting modules with pre-programmed maximum driving speeds are now available from Rostra Accessories. These modules are vehicle-specific and once connected to the throttle control system, they will not allow a driver to accelerate past a specific speed. As well, these modules are tamper-proof and their maximum set speed cannot be altered by the driver in any way once programmed. Such a device can be uniquely useful in the following situations:
- In the vehicles of first-time drivers
- On large construction sites
- In cities with multiple school zones
- In large vehicle fleets with multiple drivers
- In parks with low speed limits
- In rental vehicles
Rostra’s vehicle speed-limiting systems typically consist of a pre-programmed control module, accelerator pedal interface harness, and OBD-II connector.
Note: When ordering a Rostra Vehicle Speed Limiter, please identify the speed at which you want the vehicle to be limited by appending the speed limit to the end of the part numbers. For example:
250-9606-65 limits the speed of a 2012-2018 Nissan NV van to 65 MPH
250-9606-70 limits the speed of a 2012-2018 Nissan NV van to 70 MPH
250-9606-75 limits the speed of a 2012-2018 Nissan NV van to 75 MPH
250-9606-80 limits the speed of a 2012-2018 Nissan NV van to 80 MPH